Kid’s Worship Nights: Behind the Scenes


I had the God-given dream of creating my first Kid's Worship Night at the end of 2014, and I've written posts on my first couple Kid's Worship Nights, which you can take a look at here: Worship Night and Worship Night 2. I recently held the first Kid's Worship Night at my current church, and it was just as incredible and impactful as it was in my previous ministry. I am honored to have had the opportunity to share a breakout about this life-changing event at the CMConnect Conference this week, and have decided to share my notes on some of [...]

Kid’s Worship Nights: Behind the Scenes2020-07-06T21:59:22-07:00

Christmas Family Night


We decided that we needed to start doing more family events in our ministry. This is our first official family night and we thought the best time to kick it off was during the Christmas season. People love Christmas events, and it's easy to put together a night that will be fun for the entire family. I have seen family nights be successful in some churches, and not so successful in others. I wasn't sure what to expect, so we did require families to register online before the event. This helps a ton with planning. If you don't know who will be [...]

Christmas Family Night2020-07-06T22:01:05-07:00

Fear Factor Lock-in


Lock-ins are events that many Kid’s Ministries don’t even attempt because they can seem difficult or daunting, but they don’t have to be scary if they are scheduled and organized. We plan one or two lock-ins each year, and the kids always ask when the next one is coming. Our budget for this event was $400 at first, but we ended up having a lot more kids than we expected so it went up to about $750.  We always aim for covering the majority of our cost by charging $10 per child. We increase the cost to $15 per child for late registration one week [...]

Fear Factor Lock-in2020-07-06T22:02:13-07:00

6 Ways to Keep VBS Volunteers Energized


We have all seen the funny VBS volunteer memes that show people tired or regretting saying yes to the call to serve at VBS. While there may be some truth and certainly humor behind these memes, I believe that it is possible to keep your volunteers energized all week long. This year, I had the privilege of putting on my first VBS ever. It was hard to prepare for, having not seen a VBS since I was a child, but I think it was great to come at it with a fresh approach. I was unsure about how I would keep [...]

6 Ways to Keep VBS Volunteers Energized2020-07-06T22:05:54-07:00

Super-sized Food Lock-in


Lock-ins are events that many Kid’s Ministries don’t even attempt because they can seem difficult or daunting, but they don't have to be scary if they are scheduled and organized. We plan two lock-ins each year, and the kids always ask when the next one is coming. Our budget for this event was $500, but we aimed for covering the majority of our cost by charging $10 per child. We increase the cost to $15 per child for late registration one week prior to the event. We don’t ask our leaders to pay since they are giving their time and energy to serve our kids. First-time [...]

Super-sized Food Lock-in2020-07-06T22:06:29-07:00
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